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Phenotherm Features  
Density35 +/- 5 kg/M340 +/- 5 kg/M3
Thermal Properties  
i)Thermal conductivity(BS 4370 Part 2) (W/mk)0.0170.018
ii) Service temp  
Max+ 130 C+ 130 C
Short term+ 250 C+ 250 C
Min- 196 C- 196 C
Mechanical Properties
(BS 4370 Part 2) (KN/M2)
Compressive Strength170250
Shear Strength100110
Tensile Strength250280
Moisture Properties  
(i) Water absorption % by volume23
(ii) Water vapour transmission
(BS 4370 Part 2) Prem-inches
Fire Performance  
(i) Surface spread of flame
(BS 476 Part 7,1971)
Class IClass I
(ii) Building regulations 1976
Class OClass O
(iii) Ignitability
(BS 476 Part 5:1979)
Class PClass P
(iv) Critical oxygen index3636
(v) Obscuratiion<5%<5%
The Superior Insulation Foam
  • Phenotherm Phenolic Foam is a rigid cellular foam insulation material with a substantially closed cell structure, whose polymer structure is made primarily from the poly-condensation of phenol, its homologues and/or derivatives with aldehydes and ketones.
  • Phenotherm has various distinct properties that makes it better than conventional insulation materials.
  • Lower K value (K Value = 0.017W/mK) - that means exceptionally low thermal conductivity.
  • Wide service range for diverse insulation applications
  • Cost-effective because lower thermal conductivity facilitates usage of lesser thickness of Phenotherm for the same level of insulation.
  • Superior fire and insulation properties enable phenotherm to be used as a direct replacement for conventional insulation materials such as expanded polystyrene, rigid urethane foam (polyurethane and polyisocyanurate), polyethylene foam, resin-bonded glass wool, etc.
  • A wide service temperature range between -196 C to + 130 C makes Phenotherm ideal for low temperature and cryogenic applications. It can be effectively used on LSHS, fuel oil, low pressure steam and hot water lines.
  • Low water absorption is a key feature of Phenotherm. A high closed cell content of upto 95% results in very low water vapour transmission and reduces condensation.
  • Phenotherm is tested as per BS 4370 for mechanical properties and conforms to BS 3927.
  • Phenotherm assures longer life as it is unaffected by most aromatic and aliphatic solvents.
  • Odourless and does not absorb colour.
  • Rodent / insect proof and being mildly antiseptic resists fungal and bacterial growth.
  • Corrosion and chemical resistance is another strength. Phenotherm resists organic solvents and chemicals. Being non-abrasive and hydrophobic, it does not corrode metal.
  • Phenotherm has anti-static properties. It is an electrical insulator and in case of friction does not generate static electricity or sparks.
  • Phenotherm is workable, easy to install and can be cut and shaped to any size with handtools.
  • Under-deck and over-deck (roof) insulation
  • Pipe and duct insulation
  • Suspended ceilings and partitioning for commercial complexes, residential buildings and hospitals.
  • Insulation of vessels, pipelines in petrochemical, fertilizer, chemical and pharmaceutical plants and in refineries.
  • Insulation of cold storage and refrigerated rooms.
  • Life-saving equipment such as life jackets, buoyancy block and other marine equipment
  • Insulation of refrigerated rail, surface and marine equipment and containers.
  • Insulation of high-altitude shelters
  • Ship insulation.
    1) Warrington Fire Research Consultancy, UK.
    2) Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SISIR)
    3) Director General of NAVAL Architecture (New Delhi, India) for ship and Submarine Insulation.
    4) Airports Authority of India (AAI) and International Airports Authority of India (IAAI).